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School Bus Rules and Expectations

  1. Students have a responsibility to be at the designated stop on time. The driver cannot be expected to wait.
  2. Students should stay well off the road while waiting for the bus.
  3. Students should stay at least 10 feet away from the moving bus and wait until the bus stops before approaching it.
  4. All rules of conduct that apply on school property also apply on the bus.
  5. Students should not create any disturbance on the bus that may distract the driver’s attention from his/her driving.
  6. All students must be in their seats while the bus is moving.
  7. Parents should not argue with the teachers present in the bus or the conductor / driver. If there is any problem, a written communication should be forwarded to the Administrative office.
  8. If any parent whose child is availing school transport service wishes to take their ward privately in his/her own transport, he/she has to collect the Permission Slip from the school authorities half an hour before the end of the last class.
  9. Students are allowed to use only the allotted bus and bus stop. No change can be allowed without prior written permission of the school.
  10. If a student misses his allotted bus he should not try to board any other bus. It is the responsibility of the parents to drop off their wards to the school. However the student will return by the allotted bus.
  11. The school will not be held responsible for any lapse in the bus services. In case of any discrepancy, parents may meet the Transport-in-charge.
  12. The buses will not wait for latecomers.
  13. Students must not put any part of their body outside the bus. They should not put their hands out even for waving.
  14. No object should be discarded inside or thrown outside the bus.
  15. Unruly behavior like shrieking, shouting and playing foul is strictly prohibited. Courteous behavior is expected at all times.
  16. The Monthly Transport service charges for the scheduled route/routes will be as per notification. Fees will be charged for all 12 months. A parent, who withdraws the transport facility before the vacations and rejoins after the vacations, may not be given the transport service facility. The amount is payable along with the school fees on a monthly basis.
  17. Bus services will be discontinued without further notice for children who do not follow bus rules, damage accessories in the bus, offend passers – by with their actions or words.
  18. If any student is reported to be throwing objects outside from the school bus, strict disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.
  19. No withdrawal would be considered without prior written one month clear intimation.


 "If any problem regarding Conveyance Please Contact to Transport In-Charge"
  Name- Pankaj Singh
  Mobile No- 9608613650
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